Solinia Online Wiki

A sketch of the games UI


The user interface provides an non-intrusive tuck away method for the player to interact with the game world.

'In game' windows[]

Game Text[]

Displays in game messages such as character progression, combat messages and other.


Displays a window letting a player communicate with other players.

Main Menu[]

Provides the player with a main menu to exit the game or change options.

Character Status[]

Displays the characters status including health, mana, stamina and target, name with health.


Lists all players in a party.


Provides the player with a way of accessing their abilities via a button. They can also drag and drop their abilities into this window or make custom macros using text commands.


Lists all the positive and negative effects on a player.

Panel Menu[]

Provides a window to access other behind the scene panels.

Friends Panel[]

Lists and allows players to add new friends also shows their online status.

Character Panel[]

Lets players view details on their status, statistics, inventory and skills, spells.

Party Leader Panel[]

Allows players to invite people into their party.

Tracking Panel[]

Lists npcs in tracking ability range including name, distance and direction.

'Out of game' windows[]
